What does it cost to be educated ?

  • By Admin
  • mate-date Feb 02 , 2023
What does it cost to be educated

Amidst the hullabaloo over sky rocketing education fees, one often recalls the days gone by where education meant respecting teachers, doing homework in time, being a disciplined child whose hard work would be reward in sweetmeats. Much about education has changed in the present times but the change isn't synonymous with compromise.

The pressing question is what does it cost to be educated in the 21st Century India? What we often neglect is the social cost. It is a sad state of affairs where one's identity outcastes them, even in a noble pursuit such as education. In the small towns and cities spread across India, the echoes of education sound feeble. When this underlying bias translates, it is seen in the form of privilege, accessibility, affordability, and availability of seats in educational institutions. We are privy to the consequences of lost opportunities and have made it our motto to address the concerns of students coming from all walks of life. We teach our future generation, what we earnestly believe. It is then our responsibility to ensure that the environment they engage in is free from any kind of bias, prejudice, and discrimination.

At Vishwaguru we yearn to constantly enhance our teaching pedagogy and curriculum to align to the emerging demands of our society. Furthermore we ensure that that student will be left behind merely due to the social challenges. We practice what we preach, our idea of value education, ethics and morals are not just subjects that reflect on the book covers but also in our actions.

There are two types of costs one incurs in pursuing education at any level. The social cost as stated above are intertwined with the economic costs. However the founders of Vishwaguru staunchly believe that financial constraints must not be burden to be laid on the tender shoulders of students and their parents. It is our mission and duty to provide world class teaching facilities at an affordable cost, such that it conducive to the maintenance of schools and teacher's wellbeing alone. Empowerment of the youth begins with a noble vision that shall not be barred but external situations.

Education is a life long journey, albeit without strong foundation, it will remain shaky and undone. We have undertaken extensive research which allowed us to come up with an approach where the quality of education remains high and access to the same reaches low to the grassroots as well.

The emphasis is laid on inculcating knowledge through personalised teaching, which we have found is an innovative method that is rarely practiced. There are as many learning capabilities as there are children in our school, therefore we believe in the future of personalised learning framework that will benefit all learners. We have integrated, collaborated and aligned our assets in sync to reach the pinnacle of perfection in imparting education.

We believe in converting challenges into opportunities and are confident that our mission statement will resonate with the parents, guardians, and well-wishers, whose concerns we share empathetically. The future of India we envision is one without socially created constraints. It is one that thrives on the strength of its own abilities and skillset. The future of India is one we are confident we can build with the ethos our institution embraces.

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